Is my online transaction secure?

Credit card payments are secured using Payzen solution, distributed by the Crédit-Mutuel - CIC group. Your payments are completely secure with this solution. When paying for your order online, you’ll be automatically transferred to the bank’s server through a secure SSL-mode transaction (Secure Socket Layer). The card number is then encrypted (Transport Layer Security) between the browser and the Payzen server. Your bank card details are only recorded in the Payzen database and not in la belle-iloise database. In no way whatsoever does la belle-iloise receive, record or keep any of your bank details. Online payment by credit card is completely secure on our website. Depending on the browser you use, you’ll see ‘HTTPS’ in the website URL with a padlock icon when payment is secure. These two visual elements guarantee a secure payment.

Group order
Group order
Start an Group Order and invite others to join your order. They can add their favorite products for a joint delivery while saving the delivery fee.